
We currently provide scholarships for 34 CECyT (high school) students and 29 college/university students.

Year Three CECyT students (high school seniors)

Year Two CECyT students (high school juniors)

Not pictured – “Luz” Arianna Rodriguez Higuera and Yulian Fontes Gutierrez.

Year One CECyT students (high school sophomores)

Student profiles

Get to know some of our amazing past and current students. We start first with our new summer college grads. We will be adding more profiles here and on our Facebook page.

2024 Grad – Marco “Samuel” Isaac Perez Viruete

Samuel graduated from Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Mulegé in July 2024 with a degree in Industrial Engineering (Ingenieria Industrial).
Samuel and his older sister were raised by his single mother in Nuevo Mulegé. Although Samuel attended college in Santa Rosalia, you could find him in Mulegé volunteering for his mother at the Rotary Food Bank during vacations. Throughout college, Samuel participated in many year long projects, earning recognition awards, as well as earning a Yellow Belt for Taekwondo in June 2022. Samuel completed his internship at the Santa Rosalia mine, “Minado El Boleo”, where he is now working as an Industrial Engineer.

In a most recent message Samuel stated, “Thank you very much for your support. I am working among mining machinery and the truth is that it is AMAZING!” The following photos are of inside the mining operation. They are published with his permission. Congratulations Samuel on a job well done!

2024 Grad – Guadalupe Valenzuela Villavicencio

On July 3, 2024, Dianira graduated with high honors from Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Baja California Sur “Profr. Enrique Estrada Lucero” Extensión en Cuidad Constitucion with a Physics degree in Secondary Education.

We began supporting Dianira as a non-traditional student beginning her third semester. She is one of three children raised by a single mother whose education went as far as primary school. Dianira has big dreams, and hopes to someday obtain her master’s and her doctorate degrees. She might even like to come back to teach at CECyTE01 someday.

In her most recent email, Dianira wrote, “Thank you very much for helping me achieve one of my longing goals.”

You are welcome Dianira. We are proud to support you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

2024 Grad – Raul Gorosave Villavicencio

Congratulations to Raul! Raul received his medical diploma in June, 2024 from Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Medicas y Humaniticas de Nayarit, A.C. (INUMEDH University), in the city of Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. Raul will spend the next two years in a residency program – finding the specialty that suits him best.

Because Medical School is expensive, three years ago some of our very special members agreed to support Raul through private donations. For two years, Raul received his scholarship support solely from them. It was only in his third year of med school that we began to provide assistance to supplement the private donations.

Raul is an only child. His family lives in Mulegé. His father is a Bombero and his mother is the Registrar at CECyT01 in Nuevo Mulegé. For years, Raul played semi-professional basketball with the Marlins from San Jose del Cabo. In high school, Raul participated in musical, cultural, and sports competitions and enjoyed playing the guitar and bass in a band.

Recently Raul wrote:
“I really appreciate your support, since living away from home is difficult. It is my dream to be a great Doctor one day; to help and cure people. I know that this career requires a lot of effort and dedication, but I am willing and committed to do my best to achieve my dream.” And so, he has.

Best of luck to you, Raul, in finding your dream job! We are proud to be a supporter of students like you!

Meet Valeria Zunún López

Valeria was one of our scholarship students from CECyT through university and graduated in 2022 with a degree in gastronomy.

Valeria recently wrote us about her return to Mulegé and starting her own business –
“Since I was at university, a dream was born in me: to open my own bakery.
In July 2023, that idea returned to my mind but thanks to the words and support of my family and friends I was motivated to start my business.
So I made the decision to leave my job in La Paz and return to Mulegé with my family, where I had every opportunity to make my dream come true.
After months of planning, construction, testing and more learning, on March 25, 2024, with great joy, I opened my bakery and cafeteria called “dulce Valeria.”
Dreams come true and all this would not have been possible without your support.
Without your help it would have been very difficult to study away from home, an expensive degree, I would not have learned as much as I did there and I would not be who I am now, I will be eternally grateful for the support you have given me to this day, because I also receive your visits in my business.
With love to all Los Amigos, Valeria Zunún López.”

Congratulations Valeria! We are very proud of your accomplishments and wish you much success with your business! You can find “dulce Valeria” in front of Tu Ferreteria hardware store and on Facebook at Dulce Valeria .

Meet Daniel Alberto Rosas Zamago

In April 2019, Daniel was a senior at CECyT who was interested in attending Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur (UABCS ) in La Paz to become a Computer Software Engineer. Daniel, a perfect 10 top student, but he did not have the financial means to attend; until he was introduced to Cindi Feeley, Scholarship Chair, and some of our very special members who agreed to support him through private donations. For two years, Daniel received his scholarship support solely from them. It was only his last two and a half years that we began to provide assistance to supplement the private donations.

Daniel graduated from CECyT 01 in Mulegé in June, 2019 with perfect grades and too many recognition certificates to mention.

For the past 4.5 years, Daniel has been attending classes at UABCS, playing sports, volunteering, and working to make ends meet. He is currently working as a programmer in a position in public security in LaPaz. For multiple semesters, Daniel was selected by the university for “excellence”; a recognition well deserved. From September through December 2023, Daniel worked at his internship and completed his course work. His graduation date is set for February 2024.

In an update from February, 2023, Daniel wrote:

“Work and school kept me very busy and most of the time I just came home to sleep. I am infinitely grateful for all the support you all gave me. If it wasn’t for all of you, I think my college life would be much more difficult than it already is. I will be indebted to all of you who support me, and I hope someday I will be able to return the favor. I love you all very much and thank you very much for all the support you give me. My life changed completely when Abraham introduced me to you (Cindi) at CECyT. That day I had no idea I would meet such great people like you.”

Congratulations Daniel, on your upcoming graduation! We wish you all the best!

Meet Angel Arturo Alvarado Mendez

Since February of 2021, many people have helped Angel on his journey in pursuing a Nursing Degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Durango located in Ensenada, BC, Mexico. Angel’s journey was long, and very trying at times, but he remained positive. Now Angel’s dream of becoming a nurse is finally coming true.

Just this past June (of 2023), Angel was given a wonderful surprise. Because he had the highest average of his classmates, (all who are set to graduate in January or August of 2024), he did not have to complete the degree program in the way other students did. He was given the opportunity to go to the place he wanted to practice. So, in August, he settled in LaPaz. Angel is currently doing his service work at the Medical Center in La Paz, working the night shift. He is excited to have new experiences and training every day.

Because Nursing School is expensive, a few years ago some of our very special members agreed to support Angel through private donations. For three years, Angel received his scholarship support from them, in addition to our support to supplement the private donations.

Angel is the youngest of 3 children. His mother works seasonally on local farms and makes and sells tamales by order. His father is a fisherman and a kayak guide for National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) in Coyote Bay. They live in Nuevo Mulegé.

From Angel’s letter dated August 2023:
“When I took the opportunity to come to LaPaz, I was thinking that in a year, when I finish, I can get a job in this area; close to my house and in a place where there are many opportunities. Here I noticed living is a little cheaper (than in Ensenada). I found a place near the hospital, so I already spend less on transportation. Here I feel very happy, I feel very comfortable and calm.
I am immensely grateful for all the help you have given me. Thank you infinitely.”

Congratulations Angel, on your Nursing Degree! It has been quite a journey. We all wish you the very best!

Incoming College Scholarship Student Profiles

José Guadalupe Villavicencio Lopez graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2023 with honors. José was a scholarship recipient throughout his 3 years at CECyT. His scholarship support will continue as José begins his first year of university this month at “Tecnológico de La Paz”, in La Paz, BCS, México in Civil Engineering. It is a 10 semester (5 year) program. José plans to graduate in July 2028.

José is the youngest of three boys. His family are ranchers in La Preza, outside of Mulegé. Both his parents finished Primary School (6th Grade) and his two older brothers attended Secondary School (Junior High).

While attending CECyT high school, José lived in a house with other high schoolers in Mulegé. He worked after school to help pay the bills. In his spare time, José enjoys playing the banjo and reading.

In his final spring at CECyT, José and his team won first place in their categories at the State Competition for Creativity and Technological Innovation in La Paz, BCS, Mexico. His team continued to compete at the National competition in Pueblo, Mexico, representing Mulegé, BCS with pride.

Upon receiving his scholarship, here are a few words from José: “Thank you very much for giving me this great support. Without Los Amigos de Los Niños, none of this would be possible.”

Maria Guadalupe Villavicencio Gonzáles graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2022 with honors. Maria was a scholarship recipient throughout her 3 years at CECyT. After taking a gap year, Maria is beginning her first year of tecnological college in Santa Rosalia at “Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Mulegé”. Maria will be studying Engineering in Administration. It is a 9 semester (4.5 year) program. She plans to graduate in June 2028.

Maria is one of four children. Her twin brother, Mario, is also studying at Santa Rosalia and is a LADLN scholarship recipient. Maria’s family is from San José de Magdalena. Neither of Maria’s parents received any formal education. Her father is a farm laborer, and her mother is a homemaker.

In CECyT, Maria participated in many academic competitions and extracurricular activities. She won second place in escort contests, received recognition for participation in exhibitions, and contests, participated in the war band and took examination of expos.

Below is a WhatsApp message just received from Maria:

“This Saturday, September 2, 2023, I start classes. I am so excited, and nervous at the same time; to start with a new goal, something different and bigger than CECyT; a bigger step to climb – but thanks to Los Amigos’ support, it can be achieved. You make students fight and give more effort every day because we know that we have to make all of you who support us proud to achieve this. Thank you very, very much for your help. Thanks for the support you give us so many of us can continue to study. Nowadays everything is very expensive and not all of us have the necessary resources, but thanks to your help, our goals can be achieved….”

Meet Francisco Javier Pineda Bracamonte who graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2023 with honors. Francisco was a scholarship recipient throughout his 3 years at CECyT. His scholarship support will continue as Francisco begins his first year of university this month at “La Paz World University” in La Paz, BCS, México in Gastronomy. It is a 10 cuatrimestres (3 yrs, 4 mo) program. Francisco plans to graduate in January/February 2027.

Francisco is the youngest of three children. His family lives in Palo Verde. His dad is a mechanic and his mother is a homemaker. His dad attended Secundaria (Junior High) and his mother attended High School.

Throughout his schooling, Francisco received recognition for his high grades. He was a top student at CECyT High School. While attending CECyT, Francisco lived in an apartment by himself.

Francisco is known as a very kind, helpful, polite young man. He enjoys hanging out with his good friends he met at CECyT. He hopes to someday get a good job to support himself.

Meet Ximena Guadalupe Murillo Villavicencio. She graduated from CECy01 Mulegé, in June 2023 with honors. Ximena was a scholarship recipient throughout her 3 years at CECyT. Her scholarship support will continue as Ximena begins her first year of college this month at “Higher Technological Institute of Mulegé“ in Mulegé, BCS, México in the career of Business Administration. It is an 8 semester (4 year) program. Ximena plans to graduate in July 2027.

Ximena is the oldest of three children. Her family lives on “Rancho Santa Maria” en la Sierra de San José de Magdalena, which is a four-hour drive from Mulegé. Her father is a rancher. Her mother is a housewife. Her dad went to Primary School (Grade School) and her mother never attended school.

Throughout school, Ximena received recognition for her good grades. She participated in Volleyball during the sport season. While attending CECyT high school, Ximena paid room and board to a lady she lived with in Mulegé. She worked a job after school to help pay her expenses.

Ximena dreams of someday owning a “Beauty Business for Women”.

José Guadalupe Villavicencio Aguilar graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2022 with honors as a three year scholarship student. In June, José finished his first year of college with a 9.3 GPA. He is now beginning his second year of tecnological college in Santa Rosalia, at “Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Mulegé” in Santa Rosalía, BCS, México with the help of a Los Amigos scholarship. José is studying Electromechanics. It is a 9 semester (4.5 year) + Residency program. He plans to graduate in December 2026.

José is the oldest of three children. They live on a ranch outside of Mulegé. His dad is a Taxi Driver, and his mother is a homemaker. Both of his parents finished Secundaria School (9th grade).

José lives alone in an apartment in Santa Rosalia. He has difficulty paying tuition and rent so he has a job during the weekdays. He works in the mornings and goes to classes in the afternoon and evenings.

José volunteers at his school by designing things like tables and chairs for students. He volunteers in his community by participating in organized cleaning campaigns.

He dreams of someday getting a great job and owning his own things. He also aspires to get a master’s degree in a related field.

Meet Hanna Citlaly Aguilar Romo. Hanna graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2022 with honors. She was a top student throughout Primary and Secondary School in Palo Verde. Hanna continued to be a top student when she graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé High School in 2022.

Hanna recently finished her first year of university in Loreto, with a 10.0 GPA. She is beginning her second year at Centro Regional de Educacion Normal “Marcelo Rubio Ruiz” in Loreto, BCS, Mexico. Hanna is studying to become a Primary Education Teacher. It is a 9 semester (4.5 year) program. Hanna plans to graduate in July 2026.

Hanna is the oldest of two children. Her family lives in Palo Verde. Her dad is a sewer worker. Her mom is a domestic employee. Her dad went to Primary school (Grade School). And her mother went to Secundaria school (Junior High)

Hanna lives alone in an apartment in Loreto. She works on weekends to help support herself. Hanna is enjoying learning about her new environment (Loreto) and plans to volunteer at her school this next year. Hanna is passionate about the social injustices of the world and how people are affected by them. She loves plants and music.

In May, 2023, Hanna won a regional contest where school projects are exhibited at Expo Ciencias. She was selected to participate in the national phase in La Paz, BCS, Mexico the end of May 2023. Someday Hanna wants to get a PhD.

Meet Daniela Gutierrez Gutierrez. She graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2023 with honors and was a three year scholarship student. Daniela is starting her first year of university at “Instituto Tecnológica de La Paz”, in La Paz, BCS, México in Architecture. It is a 10 semester (5 year) program. Daniela plans to graduate in August 2028.

Daniela is an only child. She lives with her mother in Nuevo Mulegé. Her mother works as a seamstress. Her mother is a graduate of High School.

Daniela is a very serious student. Throughout her education, she was a top student with Perfect Grades – earning her a stipend from the government. This stipend helped her mother financially.

The most important thing to Daniela is getting into the university to study Architecture. She hopes to someday make enough money to own her own home and help her family.

Noeli Aguilar Aguilar graduated from CECyT01 Mulegé in June 2023 with honors. Noeli was a top student from Primary School through CECyT High School. She is starting her first year of university at “Autónomos Universidad in La Paz, BCS, México” in the career of Bachelor of Modern Languages. It is an 8 semester (4 year) program. Noeli plans to graduate in August 2027.

Noeli is the youngest of two children. Her family lives in Nuevo Mulegé. Her dad is a laborer at Minera Boleo, Santa Rosalia Mine. Her mother is a homemaker.

Noeli was President of the Student Body her senior year. She speaks excellent English. She attended Knowledge Bowl Olympics and State Competitions for intelligence, spelling, and calligraphy, etc. During her time at CECyT, Noeli helped with school events, decorations, organization, etc. She worked on weekends in the village store to help pay for lights, water, and internet.

Noeli hopes someday to be completely bilingual and work as a translator.

Jose and Dana

Congratulations to the CECyT 01 Heroica Mulegé teams for taking first place in their categories at the State Competition for Creativity and Technological Innovation in La Paz! We are especially proud of our scholarship students Dana Sofia Aguilar Flores (left) and José Guadalupe Villavicencio López (left).

Meet Abraham Mendoza Osuna

Abraham was the first student sponsored by Los Amigos de los Niños. In 1996, his mother approached a few Los Amigos members asking for help for her son to go secundaria (middle school). Nine years later, Abraham graduated from university with a degree in architecture. Now he is a supervisor, monitoring the activities of mining operations at the Boleo Mine in Santa Rosalía. As part of his job, he lives at the mine when he is on duty; otherwise, he lives with his mother and younger sister in Nuevo Mulegé. He was married and has a twelve-year-old daughter who lives with her mother in Cabo. He is an intelligent young man who is very thankful for the help he has been given.

[The following is an excerpt from a translation in a short video that was recorded.]

“Thanks to God mainly, but with your help, I finished the course of studies. Now it is like a seed that was watered little by little, the tree was growing and now we have this tree and even its fruits. I thank you very much and I greet you with all my heart.”

Meet Martin Chavarria Vega

Martin has had to work very hard to get to where he is today….A college graduate with a Primary Education teaching degree from Centro Regional de Educación Normal “Marcelo Rubio Ruiz” in Loreto, BCS.

Here is his story:

In 2018-19, with the support of a Los Amigos scholarship, Martin began his college education. However, for financial reasons, Martin had to quit. He worked during the 2019-20 school year but did not attend classes. Martin then re-applied for a scholarship in September 2020 and was able to return to his studies at the height of the pandemic. At that time, Martín wrote:

“I study in Loreto but live in Mulegé. I like my career because I have always liked children – in addition to teaching them new things. I like to play soccer. I play on the school team and I work to help with things around my home. I like to talk with older people and help the people who need it most. I always try to be positive despite all the things that could “get” to me. Thanks for the opportunity that Los Amigos gives me to continue studying. I hope one day to do the same. I like my career very much.

Throughout his college education, Martin continued to work in the afternoons. Whether it was at Loreto Airport, or in Santa Rosalia, Martin earned money to support himself.

During his Practicum in Santa Rosalia Feb 2023, his students won First Place in a poetry contest to the Mexico flag! When Martin was asked if he loves being a teacher he replied: “Yes, the truth is that it is a very beautiful and humanistic career! Thank you very much for the scholarship. You don’t know how much help you are helping me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Congratulations on a job well done Martin!