Los Amigos de Los Niños, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) public charity as recognized by the IRS in the United States. Your donations may be tax-deductible and we can provide a receipt. Three different ways of donating are outlined below. If you are joining as a member or renewing your membership, please see our membership page.
Donate via Zeffy
Several pre-selected donation options are given on the form, but feel free to donate any amount you wish. The form provides a convenient means of donating using direct debit (ACH), debit card, or credit card with absolutely no processing fees charged to LADLN. Zeffy absorbs processing costs by asking donors to make a small additional donation to them, as indicated on the form. Again, they suggest some amounts but feel free to donate any amount you think appropriate.
Donate via Zelle
Use mobile # 208-315-0029.
Please include your name, email, and phone number with a description i.e. donation, membership, etc. in the message field.
Donate via check
Make check payable to:
Mail your check to:
Los Amigos De Los Niños Mulegé
c/o Feeley
P.O. Box 2236
McCall, ID 83638-2236
Questions – contact us at: